Hi there!
I am a neuroscientist and a software engineer.
I was born in Sicily (Italy) in the mid80s; I travelled north to study neuroscience in the mid 2000s; then stopped in Germany in the early ‘10s to become a scientist and ultimately build a family.
My professional journey is deeply rooted in understanding how monkeys think. My academic path led me to a PhD in Systems Neuroscience from the University of Göttingen, where I delved into the physiology of the macaque’s brain; a postdoc at the Institute for Auditory Neuroscience, focusing on visuo-acoustic cognition in marmoset monkeys; and a software engineer position at the German Primate Center developing autonomous systems and machine-learning approaches for studying cognition and behavior of large groups of macaques.
I love coding, because it empowers me to find and solve problems. I find joy in continually learning new skills, a trait that also fuels my personal life (as game designer and musician).
I am proud that most of my work has led to peer-review publications and has established real-world practical applications, often with significant ethical implications.
Outside of my work, as a father of three, I have truly found bliss.